About Reflexology

Reflexology is a gentle, non-invasive, holistic therapy. It aims to rebalance your body and mind so that self-healing can take place.

This is done by applying pressure to specific points on your feet or hands. These points are known as reflexes and they relate to different areas of your body. 

Reflexology For Everyone



Reflexology can support you through every age and stage of life, especially when you’re going through mentally or physically challenging times.

I treat you as a whole person rather than as a set of symptoms, and everyone responds in their own unique way.

Here are some benefits that are widely experienced by people who have clinical reflexology:


  • Reduced stress
  • Improved sleep
  • Release of tension
  • Increased circulation
  • Improved mood
  • Enhanced sense of well-being

What To Expect From Your Reflexology Treatment

Your First Treatment

In the first session we will complete a comprehensive medical and lifestyle questionnaire together, and talk about the health and well-being goals you would like help with.

Following this, you will receive an initial light treatment during which I will be able to assess areas of imbalance.

An initial session can take up to 90 minutes.

From the findings of the first session, I will be able to create an individual treatment plan specific to your needs for future sessions. We will discuss how many sessions you may need, and how far apart they need to be.

Follow Up Treatments

In follow up sessions, we will work on any areas which we discovered in your initial session that need more attention.

The session involves a brief initial discussion to see how you have been since the last treatment, followed by a full treatment session tailored to your needs that day.

Follow up sessions last 60 minutes.


To Make A Booking or Ask A Question


If you would like any more information or are ready to book an appointment, the easiest way is to send me an email: hannahpreflexology@outlook.com or text me on: 07868 895638.