Frequently Asked Questions

Is Reflexology Safe?

Reflexology is a completely natural therapy and there are hardly any risks. There are a few conditions, such as deep vein thrombosis, where you are advised to seek a different type of therapy. This is one of the reasons we go through your medical history before you have any treatment.

Does Reflexology Hurt?

Most people find reflexology very relaxing and enjoyable. Sometimes a point on your foot might feel tender or sore for a few moments, but your reflexologist will adjust the pressure accordingly if you let them know.

If you do experience a sore or tender point on your foot, then this is important, as it’s telling the reflexologist something about your treatment.

Do I Need To Get Undressed?

All you need to do is take off your shoes and socks. Also, it’s best to wear comfortable clothes you can relax in.

How Many Treatments Will I Need?

Everyone is different and responds to reflexology at a different pace. Most people find a few regular treatments to begin with followed by a ‘top-up’ treatment every 4-6 weeks works best.

You can also, of course, come for a one-off treatment whenever you want.


We’ll discuss what works best for you at your Initial Appointment.

What Information Will You Need From Me?

I will need to take a medical history and contact details. All information you give is confidential and will comply with GDPR 

What If I Fall Asleep During The Treatment?

That’s no problem. Many people find their reflexology treatment so relaxing that they do fall asleep, and reflexologists are quite used to it.

What If I’m Embarrassed About My Feet?

Please don’t worry. Reflexologists are genuinely fascinated by feet and have seen all shapes and sizes. After a few sessions, you may even find that you feel much better about your feet.

Can I Have Reflexology If I'm Pregnant?

Yes, and it can be very beneficial. Each pregnancy is different, so the reflexologist will work closely with you to see if treatment is suitable. 

Do I Need To Do Anything After My Treatment?

You should drink lots of water, avoid alcohol and take things easy for the rest of the day.

Can Children Have Reflexology?

Yes, children usually respond very well to reflexology. As their feet tend to be more sensitive, they will need a shorter appointment. Please contact me to discuss your child’s need.

Can I Have Reflexology With An Injured Foot?

Yes, it depends on the nature of the injury. If the reflexologist cannot treat the foot itself, they are able to carry out the treament using hand reflexology. 

What If I Have Really Ticklish Feet?

Let your reflexologist know if you have ticklish feet and they can work with you to find a pressure that is comfortable. Alternatively you may find hand reflexology is a better option for you.

To Make A Booking or Ask A Question


If you would like any more information or are ready to book an appointment, the easiest way is to send me an email: or text me on: 07868 895638.